Thursday, January 13, 2011

Coordination Team of Poverty Alleviation-TKPK


Tim Koordinasi Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (Coordination Team of Poverty Alleviation-TKPK) are formed in the Provinces and Districts/Municipalities, to improve the coordination of poverty alleviation in Provincial and District/Municipal levels.

Provincial TKPK is under the directions of, and responsible to, the Governor of each Province, while the District/Municipal TKPK is under the directions of, and responsible to, the Regent (Bupati) or each District or the Major (Walikota) of each Municipality.


Provincial TKPK and District/Municipality TKPK has the duty to coordinate the efforts of poverty reduction in their own territories, and also to exercise the controlling function for the execution of poverty reduction programs and policies execution according to the decisions of the National Team (TNP2K).


Memberships of Provincial TKPK and District/Municipal TKPK consists of elements from the Government, the general public, the business world, and other stakeholders in poverty reduction.


The Chairperson of Provincial TKPK is the Vice Governor which has been appointed by the Governor. The Secretary of Provincial TKPK is the Chairperson of Provincial BAPPEDA (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah/Provincial Development Planning Agency) which has been appointed also by the Governor.
 The appointment of duties, organizational structure, working group, secretariat and the financing of Provincial TKPK is being regulated by Decree of the Governor (Surat Keputusan Gubernur)  by observing the tenets of the Presidential Regulation No 15 Year 2010.

The Chairperson of District/Municipal TKPK is the Vice Regent/Vice Major which has been appointed by the Regent/Major. The Secretary of District/Municipal TKPK are the Chairperson of District/Municipal BAPPEDA (District/Municipal Development Planning Agency) which has been appointed also by the Regent/Major. 

The appointment of duties, organizational structure, working group, secretariat and financing of District/Municipal TKPK is  being regulated by Decree of the Regent/Major, by observing the tenets of the Presidential Regulation No 15 Year 2010.

TNP2K Organizational Structure

TNP2K membership consists of :

a. Chairperson : Vice President of Indonesia
b. Vice Chairperson I  : Coordinating Minister of People's Welfare
c. Vice Chairperson II : Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian
d. Executive Secretary : Deputy of Vice President Secretary for People's Welfare
e. Members :
  1. Minister of Internal Affairs;
  2. Minister of Finance;
  3. Minister of Social Affairs;
  4. Minister of National Health;
  5. Minister of National Education;
  6. Minister of Public Works;
  7. Minister of Co-operatives and Small and Medium Enterprises;
  8. Minister of Development for Disadvantaged Regions;
  9. Minister of National Development Planning/ Head of BAPPENAS Kepala (National Development Planning Institution);
  10. Head of Presidential Working Unit for Developmental Control and Supervision
  11. Cabinet Secretary;
  12. Head of Central Bureau of Statistics;
  13. Elements from the general public, the business world and other stakeholders as appointed by the Chairperson
If deemed necessary, in the course of duty, the Chairperson of National Team is allowed to include other Ministries/Institutions and/or other elements from the general public or other stakeholders.

In commencing its duties, the Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan is assisted by an Executive Secretary.

The Executive Secretary is being charged with the duties of preparing the formulation of programs and policies, setting up targets, building database, commencing the action of monitoring and evaluation, conducting various necessary analysis, and giving technical and administrative support to the National Team.

In order to assist his duties, the Executive Secretary forms a Secretariat of which he is in charge for its formation and working specifications, in accordance with the directions of the Chairperson of TNP2K, to whom the Executive Secretary are responsible.

Working Group
The TNP2K is assisted by Working Groups, whose duties is to coordinate and control the commencement of poverty alleviation programs.

The Working Group consists of elements from Ministries/Institutions, the general public, the business world, and other stakeholders.

The organizational structure and working guidelines of the Working Group are decided by Executive Secretary under the directions of The Chairperson of TNP2K.


To assist the duties of the Executive Secretary, a Secretariat is formed to provide technical and administrational support.

The Secretariat of TNP2K is led by the Head of Secretariat, who are responsible to the Executive Secretary.

Financial Team

In carrying on its duties, the TNP2K is assisted  by a Financial Team, whose duties is to coordinate the planning for the financing required by poverty alleviation programs.

The Financial Team is chaired by the Coordinating Minister of National Development Planning/Head of National Development Planning Agency.

The organizational structure and working guidelines of the Financial Team are decided by the Chairperson of Financial Team under the directions of the Chairperson of TNP2K.

Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan


The Legal Basis for the formation of Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (National Team for Acceleration of Poverty Alleviation-TNP2K) is the Presidential Regulation No 15 Year 2010 (Perpres Nomor 15 Tahun 2010) about the acceleration of poverty alleviation. This Presidential Regulation is an improvement over the earlier Presidential Regulation (No 13 Year 2009) about Coordination of poverty alleviation.

Position within the Government of Indonesia

The Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K) is placed under, and directly responsible to, the President of Indonesia. The TNP2K is lead by the Vice President of Indonesia.


Tim Nasional Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (TNP2K) has these following duties  :

   1. To create programs and policies of poverty alleviation;
   2. To synergize through the synchronization, harmonization and integration of poverty alleviation programs in Ministries and Institutions;
   3. To exercise control over the supervision and execution of poverty alleviation programs.